Third Eye Volunteers
For various reason, Nepal is a good place for Internship programs. People who visit Nepal say that the people here are so friendly for the tourists. In Nepal tourists are regarded next to God. Nepali society is developing society . The traditional practices are day by day replaced by New practices and systems in the various fields like education, medication etc. The process of urbanization is very rapid in the cities but the rural parts are still exotic, mysterious , covered with darkness. The people like doctor are centered in city areas and in rural places the situation is sometimes helpless.
We provide Nepal Internship program to technical students, medical doctor who are on their final year, medical nurses, veterinary doctors, Hotel management students, tourism related internship programs and many more. Non Technical students, premedical students, trainies, also can choose their right option and join our programs.
The Hospitals like Patan Hospital, Tribhuwan University Teaching Hospital, Norvic Hospital International, mission hospitals like Palpa hospital, lamjung hospital, aap pipal hospital are famous and world renouned hospitals for medical Internships. Beside these here are special places for internship like central Veterinary Hospital, Center Zoo of Nepal, Conservation projects, National Parks and may more. We ensure you that you will be placed in a suitable place for internship under the supervision and guidance of expert. Students of Engineering can take Internship in Hydro electric projects. The volunteer are always in demand in the sector like wireless network set up in rural places. People interested in Ayurveda can do ayurvedic Internship program in Ayurvedic hospitals of Nepal that are located in Kathamndu and other parts of the city. Students of journalism, students of human rights, photo journalists can be much benefitted from Nepal Internship programs because it can be special country for them. Students who are studying education and aim being a teacher can contact us for proper position.
Once we get your inquiry, after analyzing we may request you for your bio data, based on the internship area and position. Once we conform your placement (position), we will let you know and conform your booking.
Are you a medical student looking to enrich your education with a medical elective abroad? Third Eye Volunteer Foundation Nepal offers comprehensive elective placements in top hospitals across Kathmandu.
Third Eye Volunteers has a variety of health placements to ensure that your medical expertise reach the neediest people.